SAAS Snakes And Ladders

2 min readOct 11, 2018


We got a spike! We’re sat here bootstrapping and hustling and we’ve got a spike! We zoomed right up the ladder for once.

Stairway to heaven

We’re building Bullet Train as a labour of love so to see organic users registering accounts and using the tool is all beautiful and good, but we finally got the absolute shot-to-the-arm of a spike in tool usage from one user account, meaning that our feature flag tool is not only useful to our users, it’s also useful at scale to a user with significant traffic.

And what’s more, that means it’s a must-have for a large organisation, which is a great stamp of approval. We take pride in our builds so glad others are placing their faith in us.

And a lot of the traffic which gave us that spike came from this article on continuous integration, originally on Sitepoint:

We Have Lift Off

Our SME users are also motoring along nicely and there are some great open source contributions on their way. Because this tool is really young and bootstrapped, it doesn’t have as many clients as we’d like (though we do have the likes of python, ruby, node.js et al.) but some contributors are getting ready to open source their work.

It’s not often a startup gets to pat themselves on the back but this is one of those moments. It’ll be back down the snake tomorrow…




Written by Flagsmith

Ship features with confidence. Flagsmith lets you manage features flags and remote config across web, mobile and server side applications.

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